The Weekly Vlog
In this week’s vlog, I discuss my approach to encouraging a healthy relationship with food in our children.
In this week’s vlog, I discuss one surprising thing that can happen as we near our goal weights in Bright Line...
Check out this week’s vlog to hear my answer to a fantastic Boot Camper question addressing some recent studies...
Watch this week’s vlog to hear the science behind the “Happy” part of becoming Happy, Thin, and...
What is the straight scoop on sugar, sugar substitutes, and all of the various manifestations of sugar? Good...
Hi everyone, this is Susan Peirce Thompson, and welcome to the Weekly Vlog. 2015 has been such a wild ride! Watch the...
If we’re striving to not eat sugar perfectly, not eat flour perfectly, eat only and exactly at meal times and...
Watch this week’s vlog to learn about my favorite tool to use while practicing Bright Line Eating™.
What is “Normal” when it comes to food? Is it common? Is it healthy? Watch this week’s Vlog for my...
Hi everyone, this is Susan Peirce Thompson, and welcome to the Weekly Vlog. Learn how to deal with people who...