The Weekly Vlog

How Heat and Cold Affect Weight Loss Feb 15, 2017

Can living in a warm or cold climate influence how fast or slow you lose weight?
Watch this week’s vlog to...

Bright Line Eating When Life Gets Hard Feb 08, 2017

The saboteur can wreak havoc on you when you’re feeling like you’ve been dragged through the mud and...

The 14-Day Challenge Feb 01, 2017

The Bright Line Eating™ book launch hoopla has officially begun! While the release date is less than two...

Counting Days Jan 25, 2017

Here at Bright Line Eating™, we don’t have a strictly-enforced method of counting days. Watch this...

Meditation as a Tool for Life Guidance Jan 18, 2017

Last year, I found myself in a predicament. Thankfully, the answers I was seeking came to me during meditation. In...

Bright Line Eating for the Extreme Introvert Jan 11, 2017

At first glance, it may seem like the Bright Line Eating™ Boot Camp wouldn’t work for someone who...

Small Daily Behaviors Jan 04, 2017

Happy New Year!

In the first vlog of 2017, I talk about how I reshaped my New Year’s resolutions to set...

Lessons from 2016 Dec 28, 2016

In the last vlog of 2016, I talk about what I’ve learned along my Bright Line Eating™ journey during...

Silencing the Saboteur Dec 21, 2016

This time of year, it can get especially difficult to handle the pesky, nagging voice that’s attempting to...

One Tool Thatā€™s Been Super Helpful For Me Latelyā€¦ Dec 14, 2016

Recently, I’ve been weighing and measuring my food without exception. Watch this week’s vlog to learn why...

Commitment is an Exclusionary Process Dec 07, 2016

A couple of months ago, I recorded an emotional vlog about the state of my marriage. Watch this week’s...

How to Be Health-Conscious Without Getting Overwhelmed Nov 30, 2016

Given the confusing landscape of the vast and varied dietary information available to us these days, how can we...
