The Weekly Vlog

Cool New Science! Apr 27, 2016

In today’s VLOG I invite you to learn about the latest, coolest science that applies to your Bright Line...

Post-Family Reunion VLOG Message Apr 20, 2016

In this week’s VLOG I talk a little bit about the First Annual Bright Line Eating™ Family Reunion, and...

Live from San Diego! Apr 13, 2016

I’m in San Diego for the First Annual Bright Line Eating™ Family Reunion, and in this week’s...

Message to a Struggling Food Addict Apr 06, 2016

This morning I received a 911/SOS message from someone who was doing really well with Bright Line Eating™ but...

How to Deal with Weight Loss Plateaus Mar 30, 2016

When losing weight, people will sometimes experience small periods of time where their weight loss stalls, called...

The Willpower Gap: Debunked or NOT? Mar 23, 2016

A LOT of people have been asking me for my opinion about a recent article published on research claiming to debunk...

The Three Keys to Life-Long Weight-Loss Success Mar 16, 2016

There are three essential keys to life-long weight-loss success. Do you know what they are…? Check out this...

The Benefits of the 3 Kinds of Fasting Mar 09, 2016

This time of year, there are a lot of religious fasts going on. And lately a bunch of people have been asking me...

The Most Difficult Bright Line By Far... Mar 02, 2016

Which one of the Bright Lines is causing me some trouble at the moment? Watch this week’s vlog to find out.

Bright Line Eating at Spago Feb 24, 2016

How do you stick to your Bright Lines when you’re dining out or perhaps attending a big event like a wedding?...

What Happens When the Human Body Is Starved? Feb 17, 2016

What happens when the human body is starved? A common theory is that when the body is consuming restricted calories,...

Why Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women? Feb 10, 2016

Hi everyone, this is Susan Peirce Thompson, and welcome to the Weekly Vlog. Why do men lose weight faster than women?...
