Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Hosted by: Susan Peirce Thompson

Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating,...

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Ultra-Processed People

Once in a while a book comes along that I predict will revolutionize our community—and I’m excited to tell you about one such book. It’s called Ultra-Processed People by Dr. Chris van Tulleken. This book educated me...
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Adding and Subtracting Food in Maintenance

A Bright Lifer™ recently wrote in, and I want to address her question because it's on a very important subject—Maintenance. She says, “I've lost over 60 pounds with Bright Line Eating. Since I'm more sedentary during...
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Is Cheese Addictive?

Today’s vlog topic comes courtesy of Michael, who writes: I am shocked that you don’t mention dairy, especially cheese, when you talk about food addiction. Studies have shown that cheese is the most addictive food...
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Significant Impairment or Distress

This week, I want to weave together three topics for you. First: I’m co-writing a book chapter on ultra-processed food addiction for an academic book on weight loss. I’m writing right now about the 11 DSM-5 criteria...
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Sexy Food

I want to address something from an email I received this week. It said: “I hear you use the phrase ‘Is my food too sexy?’ Please explain this term! I have a feeling it will be very helpful as I am new to the eating...
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How to Just Get Started Already

As we begin 2024, I want to share a letter from Val which is apropos for the start of a new year. Here’s what Val wrote: Please do a vlog on getting past the brain chatter that says “I will start next week” or “I will...
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Day One, Again and Again

As we head toward a new year, when people often work toward new beginnings, I want to share with you a message I received from a woman named Kim. Kim writes: I have read, and thought I have digested, Bright Line...
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The Happiest Year of my Life

I was writing in my five-year journal recently and noticed that I started my entry with, “it was a super-sweet day.” I’ve been writing the same thing for a while. The thought came to me then that this has been the...
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Why You Can’t “Burn Off” Calories

*Applications for a Boot Camp 2.0 scholarship are now closed. We don’t talk about exercise a lot on the vlog, because Bright Line Eating is mostly about what and how you eat. But many people think they need to be more...
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Let's Get Food Addiction RECOGNIZED

Click here to donate. I’d like to share an opportunity for our community to do so much good in this world. Right now, we can change the course of history. On my next birthday, I’ll be 50, and perhaps because this big...
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Live and Let Live

I want to talk about a Dutch proverb today that dates back to 1622: Live and let live. The general idea of this phrase is to be tolerant and accepting of how other people live their lives, especially if it’s different...
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Why I Don't Change My Food Plan on a Holiday

As someone who supports thousands of people in staying Bright throughout the year, I’m sensitive to this time of year. I’ve talked about Thanksgiving before in these vlogs. Go to or YouTube and...
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