Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Hosted by: Susan Peirce Thompson

Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating,...

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The Journey Toward One Pull-Up

Today I want to talk about my journey to be able to do one pull-up. This has been on my bucket list for a long time. It reminds me in some ways of the journey to lose and keep off excess weight. Here are five...
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Introducing the Masterclass

I have exciting news! For a while now, we’ve needed an update on the science behind Bright Line Eating. The first and most comprehensive explanation was in the Food Freedom videos that I put out in early 2015. Those...
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Sometimes Addictive Eating Works

Today’s topic was suggested by a conversation I had with a Bright Lifer. She said she had recently gone back to sugar and flour … and it kind of worked. She didn’t intend to keep it up but was surprised that she...
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I want to introduce you to a lovely mindfulness meditation practice. I learned it in a training session for leaders by the Xchange Group. This method is called the Unified Mindfulness approach to meditation. It’s very...
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PECS and Maintenance

PECS is Post-Event Collapse Syndrome, and it’s what happens if your Bright Lines get wobbly after an event or holiday. But what does this have to do with Maintenance? Turns out, quite a bit… learn how to protect...
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The Badly Behaving Brain is Published!

I am thrilled to announce the publication of an academic review article I wrote with Dr. Andrew Kurt Thaw: “The Badly Behaving Brain: How Ultra-Processed Food Addiction Thwarts Sustained Weight Loss.” It’s a chapter...
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Food Addiction Amnesia

A few weeks ago, someone wrote to our customer support center. She wasn’t a member, and she’s not in the Boot Camp, but she found us and wrote in. Her email said: “How do I stop the amnesia that sets in when I’m off...
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Top-Down Processing

 A Bright Liner named Katie recently sent me a message with a great question. She wanted to know if, when you make Bright Line-compliant foods that would normally have sugar and flour—but you’re making them...
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Thumb Sucking and Food Addiction

A few days ago, I was on an accountability call with our Bright Lifers community. One of the people participating shared that when she was a child she sucked her thumb. Later, she switched to eating addictively for...
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3 Lessons from the Super Bowl

I recently had the opportunity to take my 12-year-old, Maya, to the Super Bowl. I was born and raised in San Francisco, and we’re huge 49ers fans. I grew up in the golden era of Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Steve...
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The Sine Wave of Super Bright Living

I want to share a bit about my own story and recent events that illustrate what Bright Living looks like. I’m really Bright right now but that hasn’t always been the case. I’ve been in food recovery for 28 years. That...
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You're Invited to Experience a Miracle in London

Register for International Food Addiction Consensus Conference: for Ador@BLE: to the International Food Addiction Consensus project:...
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