Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast

Hosted by: Susan Peirce Thompson

Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and neuroscience of eating,...

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Do You Have to Binge to be a Real Food Addict?

For food addicts, summer can be a challenge, with the emphasis on picnics and parties. For some people, that might mean bingeing. But not for everyone. In this vlog, I look at what makes someone a food addict—and the...
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Success After Countless Attempts

Someone wrote in with the following: “Have you ever seen people succeed after returning to Bright Line Eating for the umpteenth time? I wonder if my intermittent enforcement has done me in. Is Bright Line Eating a...
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The Lorax

Recently, a wonderful Bright Lifer in California sent me a stuffed Lorax. If you’re not familiar with him, he is a creation of Dr. Seuss. When trees are being cut down and a beautiful area deforested, he pops up and...
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5 Thoughts Upon Turning 50

 I just turned 50! And I have five thoughts on this milestone birthday. But first, I have some news: we’ve sold out of tickets for our luncheon to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Bright Line Eating. They went fast!...
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Recap on IFACC in London

I am so excited to share with you a recap of my amazing time in London last month for the International Food Addiction Consensus Conference (IFACC), the Ador@BLEs Conference, and a visit to SHiFT Recovery by Acorn in...
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Swimming Lessons

I have a new love in my life: swimming. And I’ve learned three things while swimming that I want to share. Some background: I can hold my own in the water, but I’ve never been a regular swimmer—or even, frankly, a...
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Scraping the Bowl

If you’re new to the Bright Line community—Welcome! We’ve got hundreds of new people joining us, thanks largely to the Food Revolution Network and my friend Ocean Robbins. We just did an event about how to get weight...
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Why You Should Care About Weight-Loss Drugs—Even if You Will Never Take Them

I get so many questions about weight loss drugs, and I want to talk to you about why you should care—even if you know that you will never take them. First, there is the magnitude of their impact. Barclays did an...
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Why Weigh Vegetables?

Julie Harris wrote in with a great question. She said: “Why is it necessary to weigh and measure vegetables in Bright Line Eating? I like to bulk up my portions with vegetables and want to know why that is not part of...
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Can't Stop Eating

Theresa wrote in with a very powerful and relatable challenge: “It seems I can’t stop eating once I start. This is especially true for dinner. I’m okay as long as I don’t start eating. Once I start, I want to...
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Do What Gives You Peace

Recently, Flo sent in some great questions. She asked: “What do you mean when you say ‘There are no Bright Line Eating police,’ and ‘Do what gives you peace’? These sound like invitations to tinker with the Bright...
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Bright Lines as Guidelines for Weight Loss

I recently received an email from a woman named Peggy Sue Parker. She said she’d been using three of the four Bright Lines: no sugar, no flour, and only three meals a day. She said, “I have not weighed my food,...
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