Success Stories
Bright Line Eating® is transforming lives. Getting into a Bright Body is only the beginning. Those who commit to the Bright Line Eating lifestyle also benefit from loads of achievements that include everything from greater happiness to balancing health metrics.**

Meet Teresa R.
I started Bright Line Eating after I saw my sister experience amazing progress while following the program. She had a complete transformation. My sister and I have very different bodies; she does not come from big numbers and I do. My highest known weight
(I was probably even heavier) was 310 pounds, and I started BLE at 268 pounds. To date, I have lost 80 pounds* following BLE, and I’m not in my Bright Body yet, but I am UnstoppaBLE!
I have reversed my diabetes and lowered my cholesterol, and my blood pressure typically runs normal to low. I was taking medications for all three before BLE. I also suffer from chronic pain due to several complex spine conditions. My pain has been reduced so drastically it’s absolutely astonishing! I am Native American and work directly with Tribal Communities, and I’ve become a role model to many who are also in these communities (something I never really planned on) through BLE.
I share the program with anyone who asks because my health issues that have been resolved with BLE are still devastating so many others in Tribal Communities. I have a wonderful Mastermind Group and love the support of the BLE community.
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.