Manu's Weight-Loss Success Story
Bright Line Eating® is transforming lives. Learning how to lose weight and getting into a Bright Body is only the beginning. Those who practice Bright Line Eating learn to keep the weight off long term and reap the benefits, such as greater happiness, better health metrics, fewer cravings, and more peace of mind when it comes to food.**

Meet Manu W.
I’ve suffered the indignity of that long walk off the platform after not being able to be strapped into a rollercoaster seat. I’ve watched airplane passengers in the throes of “please don’t let that fat guy sit next to me” anxiety…and the disappointed face of the loser. While shopping, a salesperson walked up to me, unprompted, and said, “We don’t have anything in your size.” I was actually shopping for my 12-year-old son. I left the store.
I see everything through the lens of fatness. A year ago, I was resigned to being fat for the rest of my life. I had just returned from the dreaded trip to the doctor. That day, the scale read 364 pounds and my BP was 140/90. Not long after that appointment, my wife found her way to Bright Line Eating. I watched my wife weigh out and grind her way through what appeared to me to be the most intimidating meals in human history. After a while, I noticed that I enjoyed most of the foods she was having. I also noticed that she was visibly thinner and markedly upbeat.
I asked for her copy of the book. Susan Peirce Thompson’s “fat street-cred” was immediately apparent. That was important to me. It made me comfortable.
I sat down to my first BLE meal on 12/31/2019. That morning, I weighed 367.8 pounds. That meal felt terrific. And over time, my cravings for NMF (Not My Food) just stopped. I felt better physically. And that’s what I became addicted to…not having near-constant back, hip, and knee pain. In no time, my clothes were too big.
As of September of 2020, I weigh 236.5 pounds. In a little shy of 8 months, I’ve lost 131 pounds*. I no longer feel like I’m being stared at. My eyes are clearer. I’ve stopped snoring. I can buy clothes that aren’t ugly or ill-fitting. I can tie my shoes. I can climb stairs. I can do yard work. I can walk. Food has never tasted better. I look forward to my daily Granny Smith apple with the same anticipation as my childhood trips to McDonald’s. Overall, I feel in control of my addiction. I have a plan that works.
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.